The office is located at St. Agnes Episcopal Church, 3840 NW Lakeview Drive, Office #4, in Sebring.
The mailing address for Sebring Meals On Wheels is Post Office Box 169, Sebring, FL 33871. The email address is: info@sebringmealsonwheels.com. To order meals please call 863-402-1818 to complete a phone interview.
Sebring Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit serving the Sebring and Lake Placid area, in which volunteer drivers deliver hot and nutritious meals Monday through Friday to those who can no longer cook or go out to obtain meals. Our clients are homebound, shut-ins, elderly or those recovering from illness or injury.
Meals can be tailored to the dietary needs of a client, including those who are diabetic or require mechanical soft foods. The hot lunches, delivered Monday through Friday, consist of a hot entree, two sides, a small salad, and a dessert.
Hot Lunches are provided to clients at $6 per meal (effective July 31, 2023) a day, and will be delivered on all holidays when they fall during the workweek.
For $12 per day, volunteers will deliver a Hot Lunch and a Cold Sandwich Meal for supper, providing the recipient two complete meals for the day.
Payments are accepted weekly with cash or check; or monthly with cash, check, or credit/debit card. (accepting Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express).
All proceeds from any fundraising event support the expenses of delivering meals and the operational expenses of the organization. Sebring Meals On Wheels relies on the community for support, through donations and through fundraising.
Sebring Meals On Wheels Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. It is a member of Meals on Wheels America.
State of Florida §496.411 FS: A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state.
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